Hi friends…
Writing after what seems an era to me…lots of things changed in these days…I mean in these months…I have also changed…now no more a student…I am a working professional now…hehehe…then I was writing from my hometown, bhubaneswar but today I am writing from my kolkata office…saw a lot of ups and downs within these days…life taught me lots of things…laughed as much as I could, cried as much as I could…now I want to come back to my very own self…my very own world of MouthShut…..ummmmmmmmmmm………I missed all of u guys…here I learned how to make ppl understand what you want to make them understand keeping your mouth shut….but in the real world…you will die screaming and screaming but no one ever will pay a damn attention to you…
Ok ok….
Let me stop all these things and start writing on my topic…our very own Munna Bhai….as all of the MS ppl have already watched it and written their comments and reviews on it…my review will not create that much sensation in your minds…still I want to write…
I had gone to watch it here, at INOX, kolkata…I was very upset that day due to some personal reason. But when the movie started I started laughing and I was laughing there till the end…there were some touchy moments…when even my eyes were moistened.
The idea of bringing back Munna Bhai and Circuit was a very good idea on itself…which added color to this idea was…bringing back Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi with them. May be lot of people are there who did not even care about what gandhiji mean to us, but this time Munna bhai had done it in his way…Boleto ekdum jhakkas tarike se….;-)
He not only came back, but brought back those ideas for which we are independent…there we may get onto another debate, whether we are truly independent!!!! But for this moment I want to devote all of my attention to lage raho Munna Bhai and nothing else.
Certain things which grabbed our attention…
The way…Munna bhai taught others to…
…show our right cheek if somebody slaps on your left cheek…( I doubt we will do that!!! But still we feel good to remember that this is the fact which made us to be more patient and made us independent…)
…say the truth always…if you have done something wrong then admit it…believe me it works friends…I don’t know whether I had done wrong or not…but I was feeling so suffocated that I was unable to talk to my near and dear ones…one day I decided to tell everything to my sis-in-law. Came to office that day…wrote a letter to her and sent it to her mail box. I was not checking my mail box, not daring for a letter with scolding….but you know what…that evening my bhabhi called me up and talked to me for 1 hr. it was not just another chat we had, but I cried out my heart to her and that day I felt what a relief it is to admit your faults in front of your near and dear ones. She made my life…
…if you know you are right then just stand on your view points…one day the whole world will admit that you are right…have confidence and you will surely win.
…don’t ever feel shy to say sorry…that is the best way to minimize the distance between hearts. When you say sorry…mean it.
…and so many other things like to be patient, be good to other people even if they are of no good to you…(I know it is really tough!!!)
about the actors and actresses…
Well…as already mentioned by other members…Sanjay Dutt is looking very aged …actually he is not apart from aging…but when anybody comes into mind when somebody talks about Munna Bhai then it is obviously him and not any body else. Same thing I can say about Arsad warsi as the character Circuit. Both of them had done full justice to their rolls and the audience has liked them as it had liked them previously.
Vidya Balan, looks gorgeous in the stylish but Indian look…did her best to the character “janvi”. The character “Janvi” is a interesting character…has love for all the old people…cause she knows they are the people made us who we are today and when they need us back we should always stand by their side. She fought for the right thing in her way and did as much she could but never let it down.
the conclusion…
I am not going to conclude anything over here…just wanted to tell that I loved the movie and would like to go and watch it again with all my friends at my home town…if still there are some people who have not watched this movie then please , please go and watch it today…go with your parents, with your friends…you will just love this movie…some people will disagree with me saying it to be a fiction…but movies are sometimes good if they are fictions…we learn a lot from them…
you are most welcome to drop a comment …I love you people when you respond to my reviews…have a nice time…