I dont do Hindi movies simply because I am outclassed by Prasiddha/Cticize anyday in a Hindi movie review! But since you asked, heres one on a Hindi movie. Why this movie? Hmmm…
Official reason - is there a better one than this? (Private reason - Atleast since Pras hasnt written one on this!!! Eheh heh heh) Ok Pras, keep the aspirin ready before you read this...
Munnabhai is back. This should have been the first part as it prequels the earlier one. Anyways, I tried getting the tickets to Cauvery, but found it booked. Went to Vaibhav and booked it for the 6:00 PM show on a Sunday… So it is still running to Houseful collections across Blore too!!!
The story revolves around Munna (Sanjay Dutt) and Cirkuit (Arshad Warsi) who have to vacate a location/bungalow for Lakki Singh (Boman Irani). It appears that Cirkuit takes care of the business mostly on behalf of Sanjay Dutt while he idles his time listening to a radio show by Vidya Balan. He is so enamored by her that he goes the whole hog to enter the radio show contest on Gandhi announced to meet her. A lot of us are, but how many of us actually kidnap a few to take care of the right answers and have men assigned to keep the phones ringing?
LOL, the scenes where they announce gifts for the right answers, (aka the TV shows) keeps you in splits! Imagine the guy saying that he wants an iron box for the answer even before he can state the correct answers! Munna wins the contest and meets her. There he states that he is a professor and is happy teaching the kids. He even has an explanation for teaching them in street language. The heroine states that she has six kids and watch for Warsi’s reaction even before Munna can comment on it.
Well, the rest of the movie is about how Lakki Singh wants the old person’s home and how their paths collide. Lakki Singh even sponsors a trip to Goa while he has Cirkuit ‘take ownership’ of the bungalow.
Munna decides to take action, not the violent way, but by doing Gandhigiri, having met and being influenced by Gandhi. How he does it and wins hearts is the rest of the movie.
Emotional moments - When Victor announces to his dad that he has lost 6 lakhs in shares is one of the emotional highpoints of the movie. The one where a pensioner seeks his pension is at the most funny. Along with that, yep, Dia Mirza trying to runaway in Victor’s taxi seems insipid in comparision, but united to her would be fiancée ends the movie storyline.
Should the series continue?
Definitely! In this day and age, the director has shown that there is space for Gandhigiri and it can only attain more relevance amidst the madness. A personal appearance by Gandhi pays homage to his values. It is also a sad fact that most do not know about Gandhian history. For example, how many of us can mouth his children’s names after watching the movie, at least? And as the director has shown it need not be in continuity, it can be just another chapter in Munnabhais history. That would free the writers from following a sequel based story and focus more on different stories central to the main characters. All the more fun if the story is told in bits and parts.
If directors and producers are not interested in ideals and values and worry more about profitability, then the series is already a winner. I guess this movie would be the top grosser worldwide for the year and would probably be the only Hindi series to make the most money! Not surprising considering that there are very few sequels made. So a request to the producers and director to continue with this series…
Compared to insipid movies like KANK where the director needs to be kicked for the horrible acting by a few, Shiva for the extreme violence and RDB which was supposed to be a teens movie ended up glorifying violence, this movie stands out on almost every aspect!
There are very few songs in this movie and all of them are very hummable. Classy, clean songs which can be sung without embarrassing oneself in public. Pal Pal…
The actors - Sanjay Dutt and Arshad Warsi. There are others too in the movie who require a decent mention, but the roles of Sanjay Dutt as the lovable goon and Arshad Warsi as the man beckoned for all reasons are the central characters to the series. Warsi caters to every craving of Munna other than the official business. In fact there is very little information depicted and you only know about it when they chat. And Munna hardly interferes on how it is run… Now that’s friendship. And Boman Irani has proven an excellent foil in the guise of the villain. The lovable villain we enjoy. In the series, you enjoy the antics of the three and tend to agree with them.
I noticed another symbol of friendship - The bike itself. Why do movies which depict friendship always have this type of bike? Is it an association or a random coincidence?