I bought a pair of Lee Jeans in 1981. I still have this same pair with not one tear or ragged edge anywhere. I never thought they would last this long, but they have.
I bought them when I was a manager of a store called Jeans West in Ohio. I wore them quite often and they seemed to last even as I gained weight and subsequently lost it again. They have been stretched out and shrunk hundreds of times and they still look good. There may be some worn spots on the derriere, but all in all they remain a good looking pair of jeans.
I have bought some since then, mostly the wrangler and Levi brands, but none of them fits the way my Lee jeans fit. The are small in the waist, generous in the thighs and slimming in the legs. What more could a girl sk for?
I would recommend these jeans for any woman who wants to look good. The other plus factor is that they are very comfortable.