I had gifted this phone to my wife on this Valentines day since this was in budget of 7K and price was still worth to buy after looking at its specifications.
It says it has 2GB ram but guys, I will say it does not have even 512 MB Ram. It Lags Alot. Also this phone says it has dolby digital sound in it but when you actually start playing music on it it will be of very bad quality.
Camera image quality is very bad was not expecting this from Lenovo.
One more big issue caused it network problem. This phone worked for a few days on both the SIM, The it started looking networks more often, we though it could be a network providers issue, I called their customer support but as per them there were no issues since I had the same network in my phone and it works fine.
Then one fine day a month before it went off all together and none of the SIM slot was detecting the SIM and showing network. I checked their forum for help and found many complaints about this phone and some one was suggesting to reset the phone to factory mode. I tried that as well but it did not work. I did not have time to find their service centers and then visit it. as you know their service centers are very few and they are located in very isolated corners of the city.
For 15 days it was used by my 1 year daughter as a toy just to play Youtube Videos and Poems on it. Then I thought, if I would not show it to service center soon, it will go out of warranty, so I found one service center in Dadar and given the phone to them along with copy of bill. They returned it after 6 days and thats is when it started showing network in it.
Sound: Not good
User Friendly: Lags alot even if you use one or 2 apps simultaneously
Style: Good for female as it is slim and slick to handle and light in weight.
Look: good as it comes in 3-4 colors, I have red color.
Value for Money: Not at all when you have to handle so many problems after spending your 7-7.5k