THE GOOD The LG G2 has a top-of-the line processor, an expansive screen, and a powerful camera thats lightning-quick.
THE BAD The handsets rear control buttons take time to get used to, its new software features are buried and unintuitive, and theres no microSD card slot.
THE BOTTOM LINE If youre willing to live with some minor design compromises, you cant go wrong with LGs ultrafast G2 workhorse.
I bought two of the LG G2 phones in May. I dont think I have ever been more disappointed in a phone. Complete waste of money. I purchased these phones for 20000 each. In August one of the screens started discoloring and in September which was considered a defect, the other was put in a pocket with change and the screen even though there wasnt a single scratch on it, the LCD broke. Thats just poor quality when the exterior screen can have not a scratch on it but the LCD can crack.The phones have never been dropped and within 5 months both screens needed to be replaced.
The speakers are awkward and require you to cup the phone to really hear anything. The knock on feature worked great for the first month now it only functions 5-10% of the time. The batteries used to last easily all day into the next. Now they barely last the day if we use it 1-2 hours max to check emails during the day. The camera is not at all impressive. My Samsung Rogue back in 2006 took better quality pictures.
Long story short we paid 20000 for each of the phones that lasted us 5 months before their screens had to be replaced at a cost to us because wear and tear and knicks(On the casing not the screen) means automatic voided warranty and defects are no longer covered. We had upgraded from Galaxy Nexus phones and will never buy another LG phone again no matter what. I would buy a flip phone before an LG.
Moral of the Story if the price for the specs is too good its because its a cheap phone and will fall apart like one.