I ve read reviews of Rd6130 here and compared to wat I read somewhere else ( http://www.rimweb.com forum) there is a stark contrast. First things first u don get a super mobile at 6k with excellent camera and other host of other features. But where 6130 impresses is that it can fit in your pocket and make u proud too.
Started using it ...hmmmn...may be 5months till date.. absolutely no problems.
Has a gud looking body and panel... nice features....and rest all u get in the brochure...big deal..
the phone has its share of disadvantages:
1.Buttons are not like Nokias hence the sides get decolored...(i send abt 1660 sms per month).
2.Sounds at max volume get distorted...(ringtones)
3.Lacks a countdown timer.
4.Lacks a FULL FEATURED SCHEDULER (Damn!! I loved my Nokia2280 for this feature)
5.The Service Area keeps popping up again n again when sending sms in not-so-covered areas.
6.Inbox capacity and sms storing is really very very poor.
7.The charging port is very awkwardly positioned.
8.Doesn t have a switch on alarm as in Nokia.
9.Camera pics quality isn tat gr8 as nokia6600 or others... but it does well.
If you think it has so many disadvantages...remember to read the brochure for all its features....they outnumber these small disadvantages.