Heres my review for Logan Lucky
Director: Steven soderbergh
Cast: Channing Tatum, Adam driver, Daniel Craig, Seth Macfarlane, Riley Keough and more.
Logan Lucky is a heist movie where two brothers Jimmy and Clyde Logan plan to rob the Charlotte Motor speedway in North Carolina. Their sister Mellie Logan and demolition expert Joe Bang played by Daniel Craig also join them to pull of this heist. Steven Sodenbergh is back from a temporary retirement from movies after four years I believe. He previously directed the Oceans 11 in 2001 which was also a heist movie.
I found Logan Lucky very enjoyable thanks to impressive cinematography and talented actors. It has some comedy in there but if youre looking for a lot of action then theres none. This is just a heist movie.
Channing Tatum plays Jimmy Logan who works at a construction site and is fired because he has a limp in his leg from a accident in the past. He visits his brother Clyde played by Adam Driver who lost an arm in his time in the army and is now a bartender. I love both Channing Tatum and Adam Driver. Adam Driver plays this calm and sort of innocent type of guy who is always polite to everyone even if they are not to him and his need to correct everybody how he lost his hand instead of an arm makes for some entertaining moments throughout the film. His hand is like the Mjolnir to his Thor. Jimmy Logan is the smart one, hes basically the leader of the crew. He also has a very cute daughter with his ex wide played by Katie Holmes. I must say that girl is just so adorable. James Bond, I mean Daniel Craig plays Joe Bang who is good with explosives and my god was he amazing. He was extremely charismatic and stole every scene he was in. Daniel Craig is without a doubt the best part of this movie. Riley Keough who we saw previously in Mad max Fury Road as the Red headed girl plays Mellie Logan who was pretty good. There were other side characters notably Seth MacFarlanes character and Sebastian Stan is there too as this NASCAR racer. For those who dont know him would have seen him playing Bucky a.k.a. The winter soldier in the MCU.
The film is masterfully directed and the cinematography is superb. The plot is pretty basic but its executed well.
As far as flaws go I would say that at times I felt like the stakes were a little low during the heist. There wasnt a lot of tension at the time of the heist, not that its not there at all. There are some moments of tension. Another problem I had was the character of the doctor played by Katherine Waterston seemed a little tacked on and she didnt contribute much to the plot. I honestly still havent seen the Oceans movies so I cant draw a comparison between this film and Steven soderberghs Oceans 11. Another gripe I have is that the comedy didnt always make me laugh but this is fairly minor but I wanted to mention it anyway.
Overall I really enjoyed Logan Lucky. Though its nothing special and has some flaws for me, I would definitely recommend Logan Lucky, Its a beautiful looking movie with great performances, especially Daniel Craig.
Verdict: I give Logan Lucky 4/5 stars. Go check it out guys.