M.S.Dhoni:The Untold Story is made on active and succesful cricketer Mhendra Singh Dhoni.
This Biogharphy is end upto the world cup of 2011.In Ranchi a child is born . He is intrested in sport from his childhood. He alwayes says to his sister" PADHOGE LIKHOGE HOGE KHARAB, KHELOGE KUDO GE HOGE NAWAB". But he is intrested in Football and sport teacher think that he can play in role of wicketkeeper .He agreed him for this.
This is diffcult for Neeraj Pandey to which part he cut and whose he add in his movie.This story is smal town people in compare to a cricketer. In this that seen was cut which we face to agree our family member to go in sport.
This movie is intresting for cricket lover beacuse all highlight are present in Dhoni matches.