Hi everybody,
Its me once again with one more review on Mothers Day...
This time I would like to write my review on the Movie titled as Maa released in the year 1976 directed by M.A. Thirumugham, seems to be unknown name but the movie is really nice.
The main idea behind writing this review specially on this movie is something very special...all of the movies on this nice concept are totally based or only about the human mothers but in this movie the story also shows the animal mothers and their sentiments & emotions for their loved ones...many scenes have been really shooted very nicely...elephant mother, lioness etc. have done their role very nicely...over all the movie was very good and it was the result of the best efforts of the whole team of Maa...the stunts and jungle scenes have been picturises very nicely....the human mother Nirupa Roy - best actress in Bollywood for the role of mother, was perfect in the movie....caring, very much like natural mother...her acting was uncomparable in the movie...Dharm paji as usual a He man in the movie, fought with lions and he has done many stunts himself...dream girl Hema Malini looked gorgeuos and galmorous in Us returned gal and other cast was also fine...music is average....animals used in the movie were perfect in their appearance....
Team behind the Movie
Dharmendra .... Vijay
Hema Malini .... Nimmi
Nirupa Roy .... Vijays mom
Om Prakash .... Gopaldas (Nimmis dad)
Rajan Haksar .... Ranjit, Vijays employee
Padma Khanna .... Balrajs assistant/Fake Nimmi
Shashi Kiran
Ranjeet .... Balraj
About the Movie
Dharmendra and his mother Nirupa Roy lives in a house deep in the jungles in South India. He was engaged in trapping the animals for circuses, zoos. Then incidently he meets with beautiful Hema and they both fall in love with each other and decided to get married. His mother was not happy with his occupation and she use to caution him against separating new born animals from their mothers, but they refuse to listen. Then the unexpected happens, a mother lioness, angered at Vijay for taking her cubs, attacks him, and leaves him badly wounded. With the help of his mother, and Nimmi, Vijay recovers and despite of what happened, and his mothers warning, he again goes to trap animals - this time a baby elephant for a circus. He does manage to trap the elephant in a pit, but the angered mother elephant pursues them, even after they transport it in a truck. Her maternal and protective instincts come to the foreplay, she overtakes the truck, dismantles it, but is chased away by Vijay and his employees. She turns to attack Vijay, but his mother intervenes - and is instantly attacked and crushed. Holding his mother in his arms, Vijay swears to hunt them the elephant as well as all other animals and kill them one by one, but his dying mother makes him promise that he will not do so, but instead return all cubs to their parents, as well as the baby elephant. Vijay promises to do so, and his mother passes away. Vijay is devastated, in heart-wrenching sorrow & pain, he calls out to his mother, and carries out her promise. He releases all trapped animals, and returns the cubs to the jungle. But returning the baby elephant, Ganesh, is another issue altogether as it has been transported to the city, and must be brought back. When Vijay goes to bring it back, he finds out that the truck had broken down, the elephant had escaped and is lose in the city. He desperately goes around looking for it. In the meantime back home, the mother elephant is on a rampage, enraged at being separated from its child, it crushes vegetation, attacks villagers, and tears down their dwellings. And the
next target that looms before it is none other than Vijays beloved - Nimmi.
If you feel then please try to watch this movie....
Thanks & Regards
Akash Dwivedi