Gondwana, the southern block that also contained Africa. However, the island decided to follow its own path, settling 200 kilometers away from its mother. This island is the most spectacular of the planet now, representing a miniature continent. This piece of land in the middle if the Indian Ocean is truly challenging, exclusive and also provoking.
For the majority of us, Madagascar is just a dream. However, for some privileged people, this island represents a refugee, a small paradise and a wild place untouched by the modern work of man.
Madagascar is different from any other corner of the world because of its relief, flora, and fauna. The specialists, but also the tourists named this place as the smallest continent of the world. 80% of the plants present on this island are unique, and the favorable climate and the lack of human activity made this place a true laboratory of research over evolution.
This makes Madagascar one of the perfect destinations for a safari experience. The whole island is a huge reservation, and the majority of tourists are in love with the wilderness of this island. The animals are not even afraid of man, and the kindness of the local is known all over the world.
Unlike other destinations where “safari” means jeeps, helicopters and noise, in Madagascar, “safari” means to walk around the island with a simple guide and some food. There are no snakes, or poisonous reptiles, the animals don’t attack, and with a simple guide, this trip could become the most fascinating trip of your life. In the nature, the tourist can admire different species, such as the lemurs and the fosses that are unique animals in the world. Moreover, 90% of the turtles here can’t be found anywhere else.