I am a woman, and a wildlife photographer. I have had this jeep for 2 years now and am far happier than I thought I would be.
I had originally gone out with a plan to buy a Maruti Gypsy 1.3L but decided against it because of all the maintenance costs related to running a 4wd petrol engine. Also deciding factor was another friend who is doing research on elephant behaviour in Kaziranga, who is constantly complaining about her Gypsy breaking down and then having to wait for a week or ten days for simple spares.
I finally decided on the 2wd Mahindra Bolero Invader. I absolutely loved the low speed pulling capability (torque), and also the fact that this diesel engine can be repaired with any roadside workshop, just so lonk as they have a hammer, some string and are sober. My first week entailed me going to the workshop twice to get little problems fixed, but from then on I have not had a single problem. All I have done since then is change the oils and filters at the correct service intervals.
The good parts:
Easy to maintain. Gives decent fuel economy of 13 to 14 km/litr in Bangalore city traffic. On the highway I get about 16 to 18 km/ltr. This is way beyond my expectations. Paint is still on with no rust or dullness. Electrics still work correctly. Off-road capability is really in-matched in the class, unless you want to compare it with something 10 times more expensive. It can carry all my photography equipment and a couple of people, with a whole lot of room to spare. Decent highway performance. Point the Bolero Invader ahead on the inner lane, and the traffic magically parts to give you way. No aggressive auto drivers. BTS drivers keep away. Two wheeler romeos flee. Excellent commanding view of the road and traffic ahead. Never get stopped by cops.
The Not-So-Good parts:
The Invader does not inspire any confidence at speeds above 80, due to its high centre of gravity. If you want to get some place, leave early. The Invader is not the fastest horse in the pack. If you want to arrive somewhere, like a party or a formal occasion, take the car. I always take the car. Bolero Invader does not come with a factory fitted AC, so you may get a little sweaty on the brow, and your unmentionable, if you get stuck in traffic on a hot day.
I love this jeep to bits. This is what I prefer to take to work every day. This is what gets me home in the rains, when most of Bangalore roads are flooded with 2 feet of water.