I have nothing against the bending and twisting of historical facts that has supposedly happened in Mangal Panday : The Rising. I am not a stickler for facts and I am not going to dance a jig if some facts or characters are imagined. Afterall, it’s a movie, not a history text book.
And no, I did not get grossed out because of the skin show in this movie – since that’s almost a given in practically every current movie these days. Also, if you are showing prostitutes seducing men, what else can you expect anyway ?
What struck me when I entered a cinema hall to watch ‘Mangal Panday’ was that the hall was practically empty. Agreed that I was watching it three weeks after it released – yet, I have watched many movies later than that and seen a healthy crowd. So what’s going on ? By the time ‘Intermission’ flickered on the screen, I had understood why the crowds were staying away.
The reason has nothing to do with performances. Aamir Khan is excellent ! The sincerity that leaps from his eyes when he is standing as one man against an army is commendable. The pain that comes across when he realizes that he has bitten into a cartridge which was blasphemous is palpable. The courage with which he faces his own death in front of a crowd makes you want to give him a standing ovation.
Rani Mukherjee is great but sadly, she does not have much to do. Two songs, three scenes – not fair ! The relationship between Mangal and Heera has not been given any chance to develop. They look at each other defiantly – then suddenly after a scene or two they go all mushy. Were they in love ? Were they just attracted to each other ? It could be anyone’s guess.
Amisha Patel ! That lady is so heart wrenchingly lovely. She looks all peaches and cream. But obviously, Amisha cannot act. Well, I am not complaining about that as I had not gone there expecting Amisha to give me an Oscar winning performance (I have seen her act before this). What made me feel like kicking the seat in front of me (which was empty anyway) was that her character had so much scope. A sati who is rescued by an Englishman ! How much one could have done with that kind of a characterization. What a colossal waste of an opportunity.
More than anyone else, the actor who made my Mangal Panday viewing worth it was Toby Stephens. I am not sure how it happened but this actor stole the thunder from everyone – even Mangal at times. His acting is so effortless – he just does not try at all. But does he score ! Emotions flit across his impassive face and speak volumes to you.
So what went wrong ?
In many scenes you will feel that something is missing. The soul of Mangal Panday shines through only in the last five scenes. The initial part of the movie just does not add up. It’s like some scenes which have been thought about to depict that part of history and joined together to make a movie. Sometimes, Mangal Panday is forgotten completely while the movie goes off on another tangent altogether - then suddenly, Mangal Panday is brought back in focus, as though to ensure continuity.
Sometimes the movie looks like a documentary made on History and sometimes songs will break at the most unexpected moments and make you feel that you are watching a mainstream Bollywood movie. The viewer is not given a chance to connect with any of the characters and watches on, detached.
The music fails to stir you, as well. None of the songs are worth a mention except maybe ‘Mangal Mangal’ which was absolutely superb.
Am I recommending this movie ? Yes, I am. It’s no ‘Lagaan’ but it’s worth a watch.
Go watch it for Aamir Khan and Toby Stephens.
Go watch it for that little soldier called Mangal Panday who thought he could overthrow the East India Company single handedly and died thinking just that.
Go watch it for that forgotten hero who dared to stand in the line of fire alone.