I am writing this review for all the couple who are deprived of not getting natures gift of parenthood. today I am pregnant for 12 weeks and touch-wood everything goes well.
I visited Dr Archana Agarwal after reading all views about her and took the entire treatment from her. Though her clinic was quiet far for me all the way from Koramangala to Sahakarnagar.
I had couple of IVF and ample numbers of IUI in Dubai and Bangalore but all failed because of negligence of doctors.
After all these failures I tried with doctor Archana and she advised few test intitally and then she recommended IUI. First IUI didn’t work but she helped me to keep myself and my husband confident that pregnancy in my case is 100% possible and we should have patience. In between she connected us with a counsellor and healer and trust these therapies helped us a lot to keep us positive and happy.
In my next cycle she did the second IUI and got the news we were waiting for ages that I am pregnant.
I would like to give 100% credit to Dr Archana for her best advices and her best treatment during this period. Best part of her that she never insisted us for IVF though she would have made good money out of it. She sticked to IUI though we were more keen for IVF.
I would recommend all the childless couple to visit her once and seek her opinion before deciding anything else.
In my view , there are many famous infertility expert but they are money making machines and very few patient you would find who have conceived.
Dr Archana Agarwal is very transparent and best part that she look after all patients by herself rather delegating her work to junior doctor. Please feel free to reach me at my email id : madhuk2011@in.com for further information or any query regarding her.
Madhu K