27th July was my luckiest and happiest day ever.
Happy to share that I delivered two Angeles (twins) and would like to heartfelt thanks to Dr Archana Agarwal who is not less than god to me today.
To achieve this day was not at all easy for me and my hubby because we were trying to addup our family for the last 4 plus year but due to all sort of medical issues could not achieve it. My AMH Value was 2.1 only and weight was around 100kg.My husband was oligo spermic.
I taken the treatment in all the so called best infertility clinics in Bangalore but almost everywhere they are more interested in making money and rude behavior with the patients who is already frustrated and deprived. Almost after 3 year of treatment (2 IVF and 4 IUI) with them it did not work and we both got very frustrated and financially week.
Due to this bad experience my husband completely given up but somehow I continued believing in god that god has some plans for me. Eventually this belief came true because motherhood was in my destiny. One day God has shown me the path when I heard about Dr Archana from one of my relative in Bangalore and decided to give for one more try. We called her and fixed an appointment with her and within first meeting my belief in god was very strong because I realized that day itself that she is the one our destiny was waiting for.
The best part of her treatment was that she simply calmed our emotions first and asked us to be relaxed and believe in god that if destiny has decided motherhood then nobody can stop it as this would happen naturally and KARMAS would make this happen.
Few best side of her is that she will spend plenty of time and would not divert you to junior doctors. Her belief in god is amazing and she makes you start believing in the destiny that everything is possible. So her positive aura and approach helps a lot.
It was a pleasant surprise that she never insisted about IVF in all the meetings and said that IVF is the last resort and she would try this in worst case.
She treated us with medication and most importantly meditation (connected us with one very good healer Mr Naveen) for almost a month and post this all the reports became quite encouraging to go for IUI and got conceived in the first cycle itself and the best day for me when Sonologist confirmed that I am carrying twins.... Trust I and my husband started crying in a joy and even I could see tears in doctor Archana‘s eye too. That was the best moment in my life ever.
I dont have any hesitation to say that she is GOD for my family and cannot forget for her valuable advices and blessings.