Cant agree less for all the tragic reviews given for this company, but I would like to say THANKS to these Matrix guys as they taught me one very important lesson, and that is one should never give his credit details to a shithole company like this.
My fault was that I didnt enquired much before signing up with them, they took my credit cards photocopy, the sales person came in a chauffer driven car, giving first impression that its a well managed professional organization, got all the stuff signed, handed international SIM and internet datacard, assured me that if anything gives any problem, get in touch and we are there for you.
They are big liars, highly unprofessionals, and thieves of peoples money and trust. My mobile broadband didnt worked when I landed in london, and called for support(email/telephone), all my efforts went futile, no replacement was provided as otherwise suggested, ON TOP OF THAT, to add injury to insult, charged 5000 bucks from my credit card for a shitty thing that failed to deliver & spent on all my international calls to know why the F*CK I should pay for there fault!
No one will believe what I got to hear, they say that if you plug a device(provided by them) in ur PC, it means you are now liable to pay, whatever. Can anyone believe this? is it really possible to do this to someone who is seeking you service so that things work for him or her, AND YOU CHARGE FOR NOT GIVING THE REQUIRED SERVICE?
Are you guys for real?
Called the complaints deptt, the service support deptt, the sales deptt, emailed everyone, BUT EVERYTHING WAS FUTILE.
An advice for foreign travellers, the Pay as you go SIM are now available at every nook & corner in every foreign city, and internet cafes are cheaper than india. If you can avoid these guys, you might end up saving some good money .