Guys just relax, there is a new product on way which is going to change the way international roaming and hiring works. This revolutionary product is going to be available at a very reasonable onetime cost on an outright purchase bases. So be it matrix or whoever they have limitation to better the service as per client aspiration.
Cheat or no cheat is for the user to decide because this company has been around for more than a decade and all the wise men around have not been able to take them to court leave alone getting them shut. So the best thing is to go the pre-paid way where you know there is no credit card/ security and refund involved and the SIM card is your property for lifelong along with loads of other valuable facility. The sad part is in the international roaming SIM card business we just have two to three players, due to this such companies tend to take advantage of the situation and so the clients suffers. Only one thing I would like to say “that you will get paid to use this new product” are you shocked? Watch out for this space for more information on the new product, “Arriving real SOOOOOON”*