Im not saying that Im not a fan of McDonalds as I do call in from time to time. However, the service sometimes leaves a lot to be desired! Ive lost count of the number of times Ive stood in a queue of about 10 people with one person behind the counter serving and about 6 others just wandering about trying to look busy! I suppose this largely depends on which branch you go into....youd never catch that happening at Marble Arch in London but its a frequent occurence at the branch next to my local cinema.
Another complaint I have concerns their drive thru service....why are they never capable of giving me the right drink (just cos I tend to be picky and ask for fresh orange juice.....since when did this become either still or fizzy fanta?????) I always end up having to get out of the car and change my drink thus defeating the object of the whole drive thru thing!
You may now be thinking that with all these complaints, why do I still go does have some redeeming features.....
On the positive side, its cheap, clean and friendly with a quite a good variety of food on offer. Plus, the happy meal toys are excellent....and I dont mean for the kids either! I have a collection of Whinnie the Pooh and Toy Story toys from happy meals that are really cool....okay, so Im just a big kid at heart!