Yes, I know millions and millions of people eat here every single day, and I do admit that from time to time I have partaken of the sinful taste temptations at McDonalds, but I often wonder just how many people are aware of what theyre eating when they dine here?
In America there is an enormous surge of overweight people, and the number of overweight children is rising sharply. Yet, still, millions of Americans allow their children to dine evening after evening on this overload of salt and fat.
Yes, indeed, the occasional cheeseburger is a treat, and I dont wish to deny anyone that privilege. However, a consistent diet of this stuff is equal to a slow and painful death.
Consumers need to be aware of the content of salt and fat in these food products, and learn to enjoy this type of meal on rare occasions.
Youll thank yourself years down the road for practicing this habit in moderation!