These are my Personal Reviews on basis of its outcome after usage.
Hello friends,
Here we are with one of substandard quality product of Micromax.
Did Expected to be one of standard quality if not best atleast.
Screen size was decent & was queit comfortable to hold on.
Looking at its camera of saying 5MP, but it doesnt seems to be at all by using it.
As soon as I did the installation of sim & netwok, just clicking onto start it didnt reacted like normal phones but with couple of screen flicks which hinted me that time of substandard quality, but ignored and optimistically used for month or so.eventually had to face the fear of getting hanged while downloading app, phone memory showing full with just installing couple of apps, & yeah definitely I was aware of the memory space which was like available but still got stucked with memory full issues.
Overheating of device by just talking few minutes, charging process initially was fine but that too gave-up by taking long time for getting charged & draining of battery was showing like hell.
So in the end I was very much sure that this substandard product has definitely made me freak out of never dealing with it again in any near or far future.
Went with all after sales service, explained everything from A to Z, but I was sure that when the production can get with such outcome than what I shall I expect from after sales service.
Dealt just because I had to, but no more thats for sure.
Kindly like & comment on my review if its worth gaining your future shopping Knowledge.
Best Regards.