My sister bought this phone on AMAZON. Its rate is very low just 3630. It is WINDOWS 8.1.There was NO EXTRA APPS at that time. To download apps in it you have to LOGIN INTO MICROSOFT ACCOUNT. Only then the MICROSOFT STORE WORKS. You have to download some usual apps. Like FLASHLIGHT, SHAREIT Etc.
LOW COST - With such a low cost it has Front Camera of 5 MP Camera and Back Camera of 5 MP Camera with FLASHLIGHT
Its START SCREEN has three tiles and there is grouping too. In LOCKSCREEN you can add any IMAGE
Wheever you buy this phone it will ask for update, so please update it that time.
It works smooth and fine with lots of customising apps in store like #Tileart, Onestart, Picture of the day.
The phone works fine with battery but remember to keep it above 50%. Otherwise battery drains faster. The camera is very good but there is no zooming option. There is no front flashlight. I have got an earphone with it, it works fine with other phones too. Sometimes it does not support other earphones. Do not charge it with other chargers. Sometimes apps crashes. My sister have to update her Microsoft Account after sometime because if she dont do it, It starts showing errors while opening store or synchronising gmail.
But in this range this MICROSOFT PHONE IS BEST