Mikes Hard Lemonade
Ok Ill admit it, Im only 17 years old and the legal drinking age where I live is 21, but does that stop me and teens around the world from drinking? The answer is no. Is it a bad thing? Not necessarily, I think its ok as long as an adult knows about it, and as long as you drink in moderation, when I say that I mean that alchoholic drinks should be consumed a little at a time.
Ok now its time for me to describe it, Mikes Hard Lemonade is an alchoholic beverage much like beer but it is evidently based on lemonade. Mikes Hard Lemonade is sort of an alternative drink to beer, but beer has less alchohol content then the Lemonade.
My Experiences With This Quirky Lemonade
I was first introduced to Mikes Hard Lemonade just weeks ago, my parents purchased a six pack and wanted me to taste it to see if I like it, so they handed me an unopened bottle and notioned for me to twist the cap off. So I wrapped my hand around the cap and pulled it off with ease and after the light mist arose from the bottle I took my first sip. Right away I noticed that it has a tangy lemon taste to it, but its not face twisting sour.
Also another thing I noticed is the the taste of it is very reminiscent of the soda pop called Squirt, the only way I would be able to distinguish between the two is the faint taste of alchohol in the Lemonade. Even the color in the two is exactly the same, you could easily hide Mikes Hard Lemonade in an empty squirt bottle and pass it off as the Squirt easily.
But nothing is perfect, Mikes Hard Lemonade has one minor flaw: it feels like it just sits in your stomach. It is very easy to get sick off of this drink, and the lemon taste can become a little gross after about 5 bottles.
I would recommend this drink to everyone, you do not have to develope a taste to enjoy it, it is perfect for beginning drinks who dont want something extremely strong but dont like the taste of beer. Also this beer is best for anytime, but in particular its good for parties and just hanging out.