My bf was cringing at the thought of me dragging him into a sandra bullock movie, let alone one titled Miss Congeniality 2. but seeing as I always get my way, he reluctantly bought the tickets at the grove for the 10:00 pm show.
so on with the review. the 2nd installment of this sandra bullock starrer wasnt quite as good as the first one. why is that? well... first, theres no benjamin bratt, second... theres just too much forced gags that gets old after awhile. sure, the gay jokes, las vegas setting, and the dolce & gabbana quotes were funny but the whole kidnapping of a beauty queen scenario seemed a bit forced. plus regina king, who was wonderful in the movie RAY was just miscast here as sandras sidekick.
about the only plus is the music by Pink & various other divas rocking out. sandra bullocks wardrobe was at least fabulous. chic ensembles of marc jacobs, BCBG, and nanette lepore made sandra the best dressed FBI agent in hollywood, or in this case... new york.
oh... lets not forget the gratuitous usage of femi-nazi power by teaching women how to kung fu & giving beauty tips to little girls. im giving this movie 2 stars. 1 1/2 for effort and the other half for wardrobe & music.