I didnt have any expectations when I sat down to watch Miss Congeniality. I like Sandra Bullock, and I knew the basic plot of the movie, so decided to give it a try. It turned out to be a good, humorous movie, without unnecessary sexual and violent content. I wouldnt say the movie knocked my socks off, but I was pleasantly surprised.
Sandra Bullock is probably one of the neatest actresses nowadays. She has a strong presence on screen, but also is able to keep that down to earth feel about her, making her a comfortable actress to watch. It was a nice change of pace to see her as a kind of tomboyish, tough policewoman turn beauty queen.
Benjamin Bratt, on the other hand, just didnt seem to do much for the movie. Perhaps its his lack of energy or low key attitude that makes him drag down the movie, but whatever it is, a different actor in the role would have been preferable. He struck me as being a little too childish throughout the film, and you have to wonder why Sandra Bullocks character would like him at all.
The rest of the cast were enjoyable in roles somewhat unlike them, such as Michael Caine playing the role of a kind of beauty pageant coach for Sandra Bullock. Also included in the cast are Candice Bergen, William Shatner, and Ernie Hudson, who do well with the roles theyre given.
The movie overall was very good, as a whole. There werent many lulls in it, therefore keeping your interest pretty well. The plot was clever, and the movie had many fun moments, mostly due to the character of Gracie played by Sandra Bullock. Its worth the few bucks it takes to rent it, and I think that youll find it entertaining enough so you dont feel like youve wasted your money.