Irony is the key to explaining the shortcomings of this movie, The movie "Missing" is missing all the good aspects that a movie should have, I was really disappointed after I watched this.
The plot of the movie is very thin, the elements required to carry out a suspense and thriller movie, is missing from it. The story is of Shushant and Aparna, who are pretending to be married, but only to be revealed the otherwise as they were in an affair, they got into an hotel and all of a sudden their daughter Titly goes missing, which seems to be the main plot point of this movie, how they try to find who took Titly or where she is, or if even she is real?, was she even there?.the plot had good potential but it was a lost cause due to the poor execution and direction. Honestly while I was watching this I got bored in one hour and I even considered walking out of the cinema hall.
Performance was okay at best, was not enough though. The lead roles of Mr and Mrs Dubey was lacking in proper emotions, not really the acting needed for a suspense movie, although I liked how the Police officer Mauritiuss character was played, its actor was good, and provided the refreshment needed among the chaos of a movie.
Music was bland, literally. If there is no proper music in a movie it looses its soul. One of the main things which striked me was the back ground musics, none of which matched the situations, I dont know why they pulled off such lacking tracks, on the other hand songs were not good as well.
Cinematography could have been better, like making jump scares on the right time or panning the shots for more thrill, but over all it was okay at best, nothing too good or special.
This was a waste of time for me, so I would not recommend this to anyone.