Cafe Mocha, originally called Coffee and Conversations, is the place to go if your looking for more than just your cuppa. Their deserts, drinks, snacks and hookahs are divine... dont worry, the hookahs are fruit flavoured, no tobacco. The oriental decor is simply superb, with lamps and dim lighting, the waiters are dressed to the theme as is the music... Cafe Mochas are at Churchgate, Bandra and recently opened at Juhu (where Dominoes used to be). For once I was glad to have Vertigo... Cafe Mochas utterly sinful, rich, five layer chocolate cake. When the waiter brought it to our table, I actually did get dizzy... or was it just giddy with happiness?! This is one aptly named desert! And lets not forget my other favourite, the Chocolate Avalanche... you can either get a regular or a junior. If your someone special doesnt enjoy deserts, go for the junior, itll be a miracle if you even finish that. The Chocolate Avalanche is a devilish combo of chocolate and coffee icecream, chocolate cake, bits of chocolate, chocolate sprinkles, chocolate syrup and almost every other form of chocolate found on the planet. People who arent chocolate lovers, neednt despair. Their Tiramisu is light and creamy and absolutely to die for. For those who dont have much of a sweet tooth (do people like that even exist), you have a choice of snacks like stuffed pitas, fries... but to be honest, once I got hold of the desert menus, I didnt pay much attention to the rest! Now a bit about their drinks... the Mocha Shake is the best bet for those who enjoy cold coffee... you could also try the Black Forest Shake, a blend of coffee, chocolate, cream and cherries or the Oreo Cookie Shake, coffee blended with creamy Oreos. Their house blend cappuccino is good for those who prefer the hot and steamy... and of course the classic Latte. If you dont need the caffeine rush, Id suggest get a cooler like the Country Lemonade, but this might be too sour for some... Their Berry Blasts and Tropical Smoothies are delicious, but Id steer clear of their Strawberry Iced Tea... yucky!! Some stuff that they should work on... the service is really, really slow... first you wait forever for what you ordered and then when your through you wait forever to get the cheque... Adding to their snack menu wouldnt hurt... but other than that I have no complaints! Other than what they offer on their tempting menus, one can buy Mocha memorabilia, like T-shirts, bags and even books and cds. They also provide the convenience of valet parking... The Bandra Mocha has a Backpackers meet every Sunday morning. My personal favorite is the one at Churchgate... it has a tiny area upstairs in the air-conditioned section where you can chill out on mattresses and just cup your hands around a cuppa steaming coffee, cross legged... mmmmm! Most evenings, youll probably have to wait a while to get seated, but trust me... Cafe Mocha is totally worth the wait!