I was a little boy when I first time visit to momo ghar Bharulumukh. My dad took me there. Usually on sunday my parents and me we were go to roaming in different places. On a rainy evening we were coming from my aunt house from Nalbari. We were wet in the rain. My father stand the bike near Bharulu field and took us to momo ghar. I still memorize the smell of the momos when I first time reached there. Dad ordered three plates of Pork momos. I took my plate and Mom gave me some chilli chatni. Due to tasty delicious smell I was unable to control myself and ate like a hungry dog who didnt get eat for last one year. I ate 6 huge pices of momos in just a 7-8 mints. I cant explain you that tast. From that moment I become momo lover. Oh forget mentioned that my parents were staring me like I have done something wrong. I asked what? They say nothing and laughed. I also laughed. That was the best evening for my life. I still go there but not with my parents. I still find the same taste and memorize that evening. Now momo ghar becomes a huge brand. Now I have to wait in line to get the table. Its ok. I am not complaining about it. I thank to momo ghar for giving me my best childhood. memories.