Im writing his review coz there was no one from their customer service to listen to my plight conveyed thru several emails and complaint registrations.
After going thru tons of positive reviews abt this FP(food processor), I went for it. Not only FP, I even bought a microwave, toaster-griller and pop-up toaster from Morphy Richards. Unfortunately all the products have one or the other issue.
Here s the mail I had sent to them in the month of Jan:
Dear Morphy Richards team,
We shifted to our new house about 5 months back and bought new sets of appliances. This included 4 items from your company. Namely:
Food processor - Icon DLX
Microwave oven 20MS
2 slice pop-up toaster AT 201
Toast& grill SM3006(T&G)
Food processor - Icon DLX:
Reading the reviews of this processor, I went for it. Yes, its a nice one. Does things quite fast.
But the material used in making the plastic parts seem to be of really low quality! Something not expected from a brand like Morphy Richards.
Issues started within a couple of usages, with the food processor bowl. There is a slight crack mark behind the handle in the BOWL. The black detachable part of its LID kept coming out within a couple of usages. So I had to remove it as it was getting lost in the food items. For last couple of times we have found small bits n pieces of the lid surrounding this area in our food! Can you imagine what the complications be if the lil baby or my 9yr old son had consumed it?!
Cleaning of juicer jar seems quite tedious. You guys need to work out on its design from this aspect.
The 2 steel jars seem to be OK.
Motor seems fine, but if I use the grinder jar for about 4-5 rounds to grind dosa mix, it starts heating up and last week there was smoke too from the machine.
Also the plastic used in making the outer cover of this machine is so low that it feels as if it will come apart if you put a lil pressure.
This was followed by complaints on other products too, which Ill be posting under their titles.
To this, there was a single line reply from them asking me to call their customer service and register a complaint. Which I did and when there was no response from that media too, I returned to them informing abt it:
As per your suggestion, I had raised 2 complaints for this.
Request id PUN0703170011519605-1 was closed without my consent for asking Mr Santosh Yadav and Ms Yogini from Bajaj service center, to let me talk to their senior.
Today I raised another request, PUN1803170011578064-1, where in the person on the other end Mr. Satish Yadav said I need to pay for the parts.
My point is to put it up to Morphy Richards team that the product they are selling in India has got some serious quality issue. But guess no one s there to listen to it too.
And now I have to suffer coz of the trust I placed in u guys. "
Well its been 3days and there is no reply from them yet. Not sure if Ill get one too.