Frankly speaking, I did not see the Dew AD initially when this drink was launched. I just happen to see some new cold drink on the fridge in my office canteen. Curiosity got better of me and I could not resist the temptation of trying it. Guess what, I did like it. I mean, it appears to be different from normal cold drinks that you get. After having tasted the Dew, I happened to see the Sprite AD wherein 4 ppl fall from no mans land and say I wanna DO (DEW) .. and the rest follows I liked the way the Sprite ppl made this AD. Finally, I got the chance to see the DEW AD.. Cheetah bhi peeta hai / Jump kiya, Summersault lagaya par kuch mazaa nahin aaya and this AD proved better than Sprite. The AD has its own punch and is effective. The concept was good and I do not doubt the credentials of our indian AD industry.. These ppl are full of ideas.. Hopefully one day I will make my own AD film. Most of the ppl may not like the taste of DEW but gradually I feel DEW will capture the market ..