Hi, my self ajeet pawar, and I used the mouthsut.com this site is amazing and great way to earn cash. First you want to sign in on mouthshut.com. Take your personal information like name, email id, etc. When you complete your profile then you want to select aoy prodct over 8 00000 prodcts for revieing. After you revived you want to share this via facebook, twiter or gmail with your friends then submit your revive. after 48 hours if your revive is approwed then you got 30 ms point and 1 ms point is equal to 1 rs . Please write your revive in deep and hones and dont copy anybody revive to aviod disapproveness. If you earn 500 ms points then take them your bank account detalis and you earn 500 rs. I sugest you to submit your kyc document for earn ms point. The most amazing fact is if you invite your friends on mouthshut you earn 50 ms points so I recommened to anybody to join mouthshut and earn cash. please keep in mind that when you start write a revive then you want to write it in only english language and in 1000 charators. thank you. and sorry for grammar problem. I hope my revive is helpful for you, thank you!