I seen mouthshut web site as start up intially when they were and good marketing
drive in india.They were using public transport, autos and banners to reach common
man on street.
As anyone will see I was skeptical about quality of the web site and sucess it might
get in long run initially.
I taken serious look of this site when I met Faisal CEO of this web site when we met
cause of the profession I am in.
Let me be honest in what I assess and analyse about this web site.
As usuusal I like to award points to make it easier for everyone.
out of ten as always
excecution -7
speed on web site-9
quality of reviews-6
range of topics -5
reward program-5
innovation every month-4
I feel MS can be improved in following areas
Range can be exahustive and more well defined in all segements.
Membership needs to be reassessed every 50 days keep quality.
Site needs to be more interactive and more colourful to keep people long time .
Even adding chat applet will help to improve popularity and help interacting people.
Seprate segment can be kept for promoter of products to respond if they want on
what all written about them.
I hope Faisal must be keeping watch on all these.