I never knew I wud be writing a review this soon after my prev one Bollywood Baarish (Did u guyz read it?). I was still waiting for a topic to flash my mind. But, after reading two particular reviews and loads of comments on them, I was compelled to start hitting my keyboard.
Special thanks to :
Ladies all the way
good site flooded with jokers
and net aryan, without whom this review wudnt have been possible.
So here I shoot--------->
* What does net aryan mean? Is it a name ? I suppose not, This Internet savvy technical world isnt technical enuf that somebody wud be named net aryan when born. Then why this net aryan in front of a column that asks name : ?
Oh, may be because its fashionable!!
I dont need no EDUCATION : What you write under the heading Education doesnt matter. What matters on MS is REVIEWS and what you wite about. right ? I dont think if I wud have written B.E, computer
Engg, instead of what I actually wrote, wud have affected my reviews in anyway. and if somebody is specifically interested in knowing my education in detail, pls feel free to send me an MS email.
* Jocular characters. hmm, thats a pretty good word to use. If I had to use a word I wud have probably used amusing or funny. Somebody seem to have a decent vocab.
Well, dont most of us like the company of people who amuse? You know, its not easy to be funny and amusing. Again, its not easy to appreciate such people! Not to forget, some people are funny coz they make others laugh and some people are funny coz they are laughed upon.Which one are you, guyz??!!!
* Comments: On MS, people write reviews abt a lot of things. Sometimes, the write ups are more or less their experiences with a variety of things, not necessarily materialistic. Comments are the reviews on those reviews. They cud be anything, good/bad. Its just what people think at once when they go thru a review. They may not like it, they might love it. A writer has to be mature and sporting enuf to take the comments. People saying Dude, you put yr review under a wrong banner, shudnt be taken as an offence.The fact being The review was under a wrong banner, why did it sound harsh ? A review under a wrong
banner doesnt make it a wrong review. and likewise a fact stated in a comment doesnt make it a bad comment either.
So, chill guyz!
* Kiddos on MS : Well, Sometimes age doesnt decide who shud be called a kiddo! Given a choice between jugger and net aryan, I wud call aryan a kid rather than jugger. Hey, no offence.Aint Kids cute? and I too really like em ;-)
Although juggers young, his writeups have maturity and substance. Again, we just know people by their work here.So, we shud only comment on their work.
* whacko : If somebody cannot understand and appreciate a writers skills/style, its not understandable and appreciable to call it the writers problem. Do I need to tell whos problem is it anyway!
* eagle_eye (Mrs Medha Purandhare) : Now somebody plsss tell me, Whatever Mrs Medha has written about her, how does it bother nebody.?
I mean, if you didnt have fun reading it, forget it. MS doesnt say to comment on the Interests and About Me stuff of other members. MS is abt something else, dude. Why not read her reviews instead, and comment those.
* Last but not the least, Senorita : I liked reading abt me. Regarding changing the pic, well it was a prank, but one need to grow up to get such things into their head.or may be our sense of humor dont match! After reading net aryans reaction, and then another review where I was included again, I guess its great Senorita is not on the best 5 list anymore.I am indeed a very self-conscious person. Truly aware of what I am!
Its said, Never judge a wine straightaway. taste it again, later. Take the time required to appreciate it(or criticize it). So, next time you decide on commenting people, be sure you know them well enuf to do that.