My Son was admitted at MS Ramaiah Hospital in Aug2016 and we thought of this hospital because of the latest technology and equipments it has.
The treatment was good and my son is fine now too.
The matter of concern is that the Hospital is charging especially when the patient is in ICU not for the equipment they use but for unnecessary counselling by multiple doctors with the same kind of information given to the attenders and a days counselling fee would go up to 3000 to 4000 INR which can be a concern to the poor families who dont keep a track on bills which they(hospital) generate everyday.
We would not have regretted paying extra fee for the equipment and for the treatment however, we paid a lot for counselling fee.
We had four sessions per day with the Doctors and each time Doctors would repeat the same thing and there is an instance where we have paid 4500 INR for the counselling in one day where as the ICU and medicine charges were far less than the counselling charges.