MSG Lion Heart movie is best for all movie in which this movie all good messages for Youth or many social work doing by rockstar baba g . Really it is wonderfull movie, Am realy shokeh today after see movie colletion ohhhh 198. cror up wowwwww . its amazinggg . all movie of Msg Baba g is good . these in which all movie fufill with good habbit for our and our country, i listing the song jiye ge mare ge mar mite ge desh k liye . kea song he yr by listing this song get aA bliss-out of time and space, men and women, Mamas and Papas, poetry and pop, the blurred blue night: after Godard, this is what movies could be, should be, and finally are.
Wong Kar-wai is one of the few filmmakers alive who makes films, not just words into pictures, which is why I could have as easily, and happily, selected Happy Together, Fallen Angels, Days of Being Wild, even Ashes of Time. energy or body power for deshbakti .