I was just going through the topics people want a review on, and I couldnt stop myself from clicking on MTV Grind. Does anyone actually NEED a review for this one??
Okay, lets not attack...and no, I dont dislike this program because they show pretty women doing some funky moves, and I turn green, cause hey, they show some damn pretty men too!
But what is it about?? None of the people grinding are particularly impressive, it really doesnt teach us much about the latest dance steps, or the latest trends. The music is fairly old, the women all look like ugly bimbos from hell.
I would recommend it for a one time viewing, for both men and women. Get your cheap thrills and get outta there! It tends to become very tedious to watch the same sort of stuff again and again. It strikes me as a blatant exploitation of men and women as sexual objects. If they had better locales, if they prettied it up a bit, and if they actually decided what they wanna focus on - men / women / grinding / music...THEN it might work.
Until then, im gonna continue flipping my channel when it comes to this programme.
ps: excuse the contradiction - I know I said that the women are pretty and then I said they are ugly...but thats only cause sometimes you see a pretty face or two...mostly not
pps: my emphasis on prettiness may sound highly superficial, but hey, its a reality, one hardly wants to see blonds with awful frizzy hair and massive butts grinding when u switch on tv.
ppps: this is my first review, and its not like the others that I have come across so far on MS. But I couldnt do an in-depth analysis of MTV Grind, sorry!!! It is beyond my bimbo capabilities to take that sort of a program seriously.