This talented lady has been on the music scene for many years. Beautiful, sexy and sometimes controversial, she never ceases to bring out great chart topping tunes.
I have brought most of her CD albums over the years. Her voice is unique and she has the talent of producing a mixture of vibrant tunes.
When Music was released as a single, it did things to my body. It made me want to grind and rotate my hips, like it got inside of me, if that is a good way to describe it.
I wanted it.
I would rather have an album than a single, so when it was my birthday, I asked a friend to buy this for me.
Oh dear, dont tell my friend but I was really disappointed.
The only song that did anything for me was the title song, Music.
The cover shows Madonna wearing a jean shirt and cowboy hat.
Maybe I should have taken this as a warning.
Most of the tracks are very country sounding. Not my kind of music at all.
Track List:
Impressive Instant
Runaway Lover
I Deserve it
Nobodys Perfect
Dont Tell Me
What it Feels Like for a Girl
Paradise (Not for Me)
American Pie
Dont get me wrong, for someone that likes this kind of music they will not be disappointed. Most of the songs are mild. Not dance tracks as I had hoped for.
When I sling a disc into the CD player it is because I want to be livened up. I never listen to mild music.
She also does a cover version of Don McCleans American Pie.
What was my verdict on that?
It did not sound like Madonna singing it but more like Clodagh Rodgers!
If you like mild country then buy it.
I will stick to Madonnas Immaculate Collection for my fix of dance!