Now where do I start from!!! Watching a New Shah Rukh Khan film FDFS is like a Festival for me, an exciting event of my Life. His films have been a part of me and my Life for so long. I stay with him thru his films. I have been starving for a Shah Rukh Khan film since last 14 months... So did it satisfy my Hunger ??? Kudos to Karan johar and his team of writers to come with such a Original, Novel and Brave Concept. It’s a Beautiful film made with utmost honesty and sincerity. Full marks to the makers for trying to achieve something more than just boxoffice records. MNIK tells the story of Rizwan khan, an unusual Superhero, who goes on a Journey to win back his love and in the process unknowingly, he shows the world the importance of Humanity, Values and make people compassionate for each other. Its about Basic Goodness. The concept is Fantastic. But there are glitches.
The film is a bit unrealistic and the screenplay inconsistent. If there are some amazing Highs, there are also some glaring lows. Shibani bathija, the dreaded writed of films like Fanaa, kidnap messes it up esp in the second half. Though this is her best work till date, but still cudnt get it completely right. The writing loses the grip and therefore the focus. Its like , the writer didn’t know how to culminate the story to its Grand finale. There shud have been better writing in this part of the film. Like the whole Hurricane sequence or Mandira’s quest for justice for her son, or the the part where Rizwan goes missing from FBI quarters and no one sees him even though he had become so famous all over or Rizwan getting stabbed in the climax or the sudden change of mind of fundamentalists after Rizwan talking to them. Some of the scenes were either not needed or they needed a better presentation. The writer is to Blame for it. Also the film hints that we need America’s sympathy, we need to lick their feet sometimes to survive. Which I kinda felt disturbing.What could have been a flawless film because of some aberrations, falls short of it. Now coming to the Good things, Karan Johar does a commendable job. He succeeds in making a Powerful, intense and relevant film which will strike chord with people are all over the Globe.
Its unlike anything Karan has ever made but Still the film has the Karan johar stamp all over it. The OTTness, melodrama and SRK again as an angel though in a different avatar.. LOL. But yes, MNIK proves that Karan has GROWN as a director. Thumbs up to him!! Personally I feel, someone like Shimit Amin would have turned this one into a Film of a Lifetime Technically the film is pitch perfect with Cinematography by Ravi K Chandran one of the highlights. It just sweeps u off ur feet. Music is in tune with the theme and every song is a gem. Noor E Khuda deserves sspecial mention. It gives u goose bumps, so haunting it is. Back ground Music isn’t loud , its subtle and Perfect. Edting could have been a bit better , esp in the second half where it seems the film is dragging. Dialogues are Brilliant , simple yet impactful. The Film has some supremely directed, enacted scenes … scenes which u take Home and treasure it for a long long time. 1. All the scenes between Rizwan and his Mother 2. Rizwan introducing himself to everyone in the Saloon.. amazingly enacted. 3. Rizwan bashing Mandira’s Husband.. MothaF….!!!! 4. The scene where Mandira asks Rizwan, “Marry me” and Rizwan blushes… too cute for words. 5. “Intercourse for dumbos” and Rizwan saying to her, it will last more than a minute .. LOOOLLLLLLL 6. Rizwan coming with a straight-face into the kitchen and asking Mandira “can we have sex now??’ 7. Rizwan’s encounter with the Fundamentalists 8. Sam’s Brutal murder 9. The scene in the hospital and Rizwan’s reaction.. 10. The Church scene.. Hum Honge kamyaab… 11. The scene where the hurricane affected place gets help and Allah hi rahem song comes in the background. CLAP WORTHY!! 12. The whole Noor E khuda song.. one of the best situational songs ever 13. When Rizwan donates Money for the Non christian Africans.. very poignant. And many many more.. As I try to remember the scenes and writing them, I am realizing how Superb, MNIK is!! Wish some more attention was paid to some details. Coming to the performances.. every actor makes a mark.. Zarina wahab, Sonya jehan (Hasina Khan), Jimmy shergill, Arif Zakaria stand out. Kajol…. What a Fantastic actor. She brings sooooooo much warmth, glee to the character of Mandira. Its not an out of the world role, but she gives it all and her chemistry with Shah Rukh is Sizzling. They are Dynamite together On screen!! So Overall… hmmmm did I forget something!! Ohh yeah …. The man himself…. the actor who makes MNIK whatever it is and whatever it will be. SHAH RUKH KHAN I don’t think theres any language in the world , which has enough words to praise what SRK has done as an actor in MNIK. As Rizwan Khan, Shah Rukh creates a character which will be remembered for decades to come. A Land Mark performance in the Truest sense. One just cant imagine any actor as Rizwan, the film wud have fallen apart if Shah Rukh hadn’t portrayed Rizwan Khan. I haven’t seen such a nuanced performance in a long long time. The performance is so detailed that its jaw dropping. Hes so soo good that at the end of the film, u just wanna take him Home. SRK, had to walk on a tight rope or else Rizwan would have been a caricature. Hes so natural that it looks effortless. Every expression, dialogue delivery, voice modulation, his body language, his eye movements, the curl of his eye brows…. Every single damn thing about SRK adds to the character of Rizwan Khan. Its immaculate and extremely meticulous. It’s a performance that will be amongst the top 10 performances ever in Indian Cinema. Hail the legend… Hail One of the Greatest actors evr. Its our Luck, that we are born in a generation where we can see performances like these from Shah Rukh Khan. A Very Very Proud day for SRK fans… I wud kill the Jury, if SRK didn’t win the National Award for this film.. I MEAN IT!! Shah Bhai Zindabad!! Overall… MNIK isn’t flawless, its not a classic. But it’s a Great film and more than that it’s a Special film because of one of the most Special performances ever as Rizwan Khan by Shah Rukh Khan. MNIK will be remembered in the history of Indian Cinema for Rizwan Khan … At The Boxoffice.. Sky is the Limit!!!