Once you taste the secrets you cannot be satisfied until you know it all These sites are the most explosive sites on the net, the real X-Files, containing information and knowledge surpressed by the governments, scientific community and the media.
http://www.davidicke.com: David Icke Who? David Icke is widely regarded as the most controversial speaker in the world. In this site, you will find the amazing information on who really rules the world. According to David Icke(and thousands of others) the world is under the control of secret societies, which have infiltrated US and British Government and big, powerful corporates. The agendas of these secret societies is creation of Global Government. This site contains comprehensive information on how medicine, religion and mind-control methods are used to further the agendas of this sinister group.
http://www.rense.com: Jeff Rense is a popular radio show host in USA, who deals with various topics ranging from politics to supernatural and UFO sightings. This is a very vast site, with detailed information on subjects that mainstream media censors. Similar to davidicke.com, but covers wider range of subjects and has more number of files.
https://hiddenmysteries.com/redir/index0.html: This site sells over 400 books that mainstream publishers refuse to publish, due to their explosive content. Even if you dont buy any book, just browsing through them and reading the reviews, opens us to hidden mysteries of pyramids of Gaza, hollow earths, secret operations of CIA, the agenda of the aliens etc
https://sitchin.com: The personal web-site of Russian author Zecharia Sitchin has become extraordinary popular in the last year due to the controversy surrounding the Nibiru or Planet X. Mr.Sitchin has been doing research on ancient Sumerian tablets and wrote the bestsellerThe 12th Planet twenty years ago. According to his research, life on earth originated about 5 lacs years ago when an advanced race from Planet Nibiru, which he claims is the 10th planet of our solar system, came to earth in search of gold. The Niburians needed gold to fill the hole in their atmosphere caused by atomic weapons. About 2 lacs years later, the Niburian astronaut’s became tired of hard manual labor required to mine gold and stopped work. In response to this the leadership decided to create a slave race i.e. man to work for them. Difficult to believe, unless you visit the site and read the books.
http://www.zetatalk.com: Another site, which is gaining popularity with the reported coming of Planet X in the year 2003. Planet Nibiru according to the zetas(an alien race) orbits around the sun, completing one revolution in 3600 years. When this planet comes close to earth, it causes massive destruction, resulting in death and destruction of 90% of the population of the earth. According to the zetas, Niburi was responsible for the flooding mentioned in the Bible.
http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com: This site demystifies the Bible, and reveals the real truth of the Adam-Eve creation story. It wasnt the serpent that was responsible for the fall of mankind, but the God of Bible. The serpent was Prince Ea, the genetic engineer of Nibiru planet and creator of mankind. Being the creator of human race, he had a soft corner for mankind and wanted to disclose the truth about their slave status, but was punished by the Enkil, his half-brother who later assumed the status of God. Apart from this fascinating interpretation of the Bible, this site also has several features on the agenda on the New World Order being implemented by the secret freemasonry groups.
http://www.spiritweb.org: The most comprehensive site on all matters of spirit with the largest database in the world. It has everything you want to know from astrology and alternate medicine to free-energy and anti-gravity.
http://www.aulis.com: Did Neil Armstrong really land on moon? No, according to this site, which claims that it was just a Hollywood type movie produced by NASA. Perhaps, this is stretching it a bit too far, but this site has a lot of photographs, to backup their claim, which even NASA scientists have not been able to explain properly.
https://trufax.org/welcomemsie.html: A website on science and research, mainly focusing on alternate research.
https://kabalarians.com: A kabalarian philosophy site, it has a database of 525000 baby names, which give an incredibly accurate analysis of a persons character based on his birthname.