The topic is Ten of your favorite web sites .. Well unlike most reviews which have dedicated half of the review space to obvious choices like yahoo, hotmail and google I am going to list my pick of real kewl (Thanks Anusha!) websites for our basic necessity on the Net .. that is downloading music .. whatelse ! and Softwares ... So without killing any further time let me get down to my version of Ten Favorite WebSites .. Mouthshutters sing Sabse Favorite Kaun.. Bolo Bolo Sabse Favorite Kaun
Cool Goose Now renamed as this is a fantastic site for desi music download.. The best hindi music database on the net .. Cant say the same thing about their English collection though ! Downloading in this site is a breeze .. All you need is to sign in and Voila! you can download hindi songs at will.. There is one problem though.. their search engine totally sucks! There is trick though.. Dont type the name of the song in the Advanced Search Engine.. just type the name of the movie or the singer .. That way you should be able to get the songs .. There is no right click saving method in this site .. It shows some dumb add for ten seconds and then re~directs you to a page where an option will come to save the file to your computer.. At broadband speed the site usually offers downloads at 10-15 Kbps which is pretty decent .. Happy Downloading ! The most comprehensive source on the net for English music downloading .. It takes a while to get used to their downloading style! First type the name of the song and the artist .. later the song name pops up.. click on the one with the maximum number of bit rates .. Then two options will pop up.. Registration and Authorization. click on registration for the first time (since youre not registered!).. later go back to the site after checking your confirmation code in your email id .. Then type the name of the song and this time click on authorization .. type your login and password .. this time all you have to do is to click on an option called Basket.. and then in the mini window that opens right click and save it ! Only one download per day allowed Mind You! The best source on the net for New Hindi Songs . Theyve got everything from Krishh to Fanaa.. The first one on the net to have the latest Bollywood stuff.. One has to become a member though which is totally FREE ( Mouthshutters Rejoice!).. Once youre a member the downloading is pretty simple and slick.. Though most of their songs are pretty huge space wise its the bit rate that is fantastic.. Happy Downloading on this one !~
Download.Com The best site on Net for downloading any godamn software! No membership required here ! Just Search , Left-Click and Download.. Its got most of the softwares from Winamp to Limewire.. From Mcafee to BitDefenders.. Its the most comprehensive software download site on the Internet.. Very Very Easy to use and downloading is a pure breeze ! So have fun downloading! My favorite for any mobile review.. This site has professional and consumer reviews for any cell phone on earth and more! Any cell on Earth.. Nokia N91to Sony Ericsson Z520i they have got the reviews real neat ! one draw back of the site is that their rating systems of the cell phones are pretty big~hearted! So make sure you read the consumer reviews and then make your purchasing decisions .. The reviews by the consumers are the more interesing of the lot! Downloads at a blink and you miss speed so rejoice..and happy reading! One can also post their reviews on the site without any registration whatsoever! Gizmo~Maniacs...Hurrah!
Smashits.Com This is the site for watching the video of any Hindi Song.. All you need is to have a Real One Player and youre ready to GO! A must watch site for all Mouthshutters who want to view the videos of Hindi songs. The problem is that you cant download the videos.. But at the speed this site works .. I dont mind it! Just go to the site and click on hindi movie videos and a huge blue print of Hindi movies comes out on the movie and the song .. It takes a while to check youre real player but then all good things take time ! But what impresses me the most is their database of hindi movies.. its fantastic .. so happy viewing !
Sing365.Com This is my pick when it comes to the lyrics sites ! its got most of the stuff in the music world..From Westlife to the rasmus .. From Aerosmith to Nirvana its got all the songs lyrics real neat and quick. Yet again no registration required. Just name the song in the search list and Voila! it comes up ! There arent many ads here.. Many of you may say that AZLyrics is the best but im not too happy with their database... When it comes to English Lyrics.. sing365 is the choice! This is a popular one ! Its got most of the new wallpapers real neat and clean ! Though its got some Adult Stuff as well .. Their wallpaper collection is commendable! Downloading the wallpapers take hardly 3-5 seconds! Their movie wallpapers are the pick of the lot.. though it has got the stuff for the Babes as well.. I wont dwell much into that aspect .. thats for you to find out! Has got some Dirty jokes and Bolly news as well.. but I wont recommend their movie reviews.. my maid could review an english movie better than the way they review the hindi ones! But a damn neat site for wallpapers!
RottenTomatoes.Com Dont Laugh! This is just a site for English movie reviews ! Its got a unique feature of multiple reviews on a single movie. Basically what they do is to take the copyright of the reviews of the major critics in the country and then they post it ! its got a Tomato Scale rating the movie.. Most of the reviews are real neat with with clear analysation and added info ! I prefer this to the so called great ! my pick for any english movie review I want ! its there real fast and lucid..Simply the best site for any English movie review !
Indiafm.Com The best site for hindi movie reviews simply because of the fact that is has the best in the bollywood ~ Taran Adarsh.. this is a cool site for any hindi movie reviews.. theyve got it jotted down super quick and nicely ! Most of the reviews are by Taran Adarsh and thus it makes the best in hindi movie reviewing! Further bonuses are the usual gossip ( they better be called rumours cause most of them are to good to believe ! ) .. Its got some pretty good wallpapers too .. yet I prefer
for the wallpaper bit! Happy Reading !
So here was my pick of my places to be on the Net.. Any further additions are more than welcome in the Comments Section.. Do come up with your version too..!