From where to start I dont know really. Words are too many for praising this serial that was telecasted from January 2012 and change many lives in its short duration of a few months. Season one ends in 2012 itself. Mr Kunal Karan Kapoor comes as a carefree reporter of a news agency in Indore and falls in love with the person he scared most-yes mirchi madam aka lovely Megha a widow and mother of two cute children - Addu and Nanhi.
Although for reasons best known to the channel itself, Colors does not promote this awesome serial, it managed to get much fan following within just three months due to its fast paced storyline, infectious chemistry of the lead pair named Meghan (Megha-Mohan) fondly by its ardent followers and not to forget the powerhouse performer Anshool Kaur who shines in each frame in her portrayal of Chavvani as called by her spider man means Mohan.
Each scene was just picture perfect in terms of acting, camera work, makeup and many more things. The supporting actors and actresses cast as Renu Bhabhi, Papaji, Guru, Rashmi, Prateek, also do some marvelous work unseen on television nowadays. What exactly sets this serial apart from all the other ones is not succumbing to over the top dramatization of characters and no over the top- dialogues. It excludes a positivity amidst all the odd happenings which is now rare in Hindi serials. Everyone in every other serial seems to have time for bitching and indulging in acts which are almost unthinkable for a middle class family.
Director Sudhir Sharmas cult creation -Na bole Tum Season One, steers clear of negativity and has something unique to offer to its viewers. I still after two years used the title song of this serial-Tere Ishq Mein as my ringtone. Due to much hue and cry after its end, season 2 get started and was ended due to Big Boss to be telecast on be telecast on the same time slot on Colors.
Kunal Karan Kapoor proved that no one can beat him in emoting in front of camera as he got immense praises and fan-following for this show and concrete it by bagging the ITA Best Actor Award Even newcomer Akanksha Singh stuns the viewer by her performance and bag the Best Fresh Face Female by Indian Telly Awards. Those who skipped this show for other publicized shows can go to Youtube to catch a glimpse of the magic that binds one, unknowingly.