The Princess fondly remembers when she was only a young royal one and longed to shave her legs like the big girls...
Ahhh, but after a few years of womanhood, mounds of razor burn, and too many nicks and cuts to mention, the task became less than cool.
Of course, shaving is something that has to be done to maintain good personal hygiene, in my opinion at least, and like it or not, I have to do it. (Yes, the Princess DOES shave her own legs.) There are many ways around the task of shaving (waxing, electrosis, and such), but the most popular is Nair. Many of us ladies Im sure have tried it, and more than likely have had a negative experience.
Nair Cream Hair Remover has been around in the United States forever, hence the we wear short shorts commercials, and I had my first Nair experience around the age of 18 after a frustrating bout with razor burn from a combination of a too new razor and swimming in the over chlorinated local pool.
Come on, it sounded great; Just smear this stuff on, wipe it more hair!
Honey, if it sounds too good to be true, it more than likely is.
I remember the trip to Wal-Mart where I purchased my first bottle of Nair. I remember thinking that 7 bucks (USD) was a bit steep to have my legs defuzzed, but hey...
Upon applying the Nair, I felt nothing. Just like applying lotion. After waiting for the suggested 5 minutes and beginning to wipe the Nair away is when the troubles began. My royal hairy legs were on fire...and even worse, the hair was only removed in random patches!
Ugly? Yes it was, and to add a few straws to the camels back, I awoke the next morning with a horrible rash in the places where the hair was removed.
End results...Half hairy/half smooth, half brokeout legs that were too sore to shave for three days. In the midst of a Kentucky July I was forced to wear pants those agonizing 72 hours.
So, the bottom line?
Not only does Nair not work, but it is also painful. Even if you do decide to try some Nair after hearing my experience, please do a patch test first. Apply a small amount (maybe a two inch square to the back of your leg) and wait at least 24 hours.
NEVER, I repeat, NEVER use Nair on your underarms, pubic area, or face.
Would I recommend Nair to a friend? No...not even to my worst enemy.