Narain Karthikeyan enters F1 in 2005...... that was a news I was waiting to hear for long, this young chap has all the potentials and talent to enter the ultimate arena of motor racingThe Formula 1... competing with the likes of MS, JPM et al who have had all the facilities at their footsteps since they thought of coming to the sport.
By making the above statement, I certainly do not want to reflect that guys like mentioned above have not done their part of hard work for entering F1, but the kind of difficulties that Narain has faced to enter into F1 are too much to handle.
He had to fight at every step he went through to prove his mettle. And finally when he got the opportunity he had to pay the team to be part of it. Thanks a lot to his sponsors who supported him and yes helped him realize his dream and mine too. An indian in F1, that is too good.....
Now coming to narains performances this season:
Melbourne... He was too cautious at the start of the race and yes he had every reason to be, first race of his F1 career, the car in front of him does not start, what else could have happened to unnerve the rookie... But he proved his mettle throughout the race pushing the jordan to the limit, Finally finishing his first race...
Malaysia--- This is supposed to be one of the hardest tracks in formula 1, for the kind of devastating effects it has on the cars and the drivers.. the track temp and cockpit temp reach above 50 degrees Celsius and with the new rules in place you cannot even change your tires. This was called the Acid test for narain and he passed it with flying colors leading all the four rookies throughout the race.... And I forgot he had a great start here, flying of the start line...
I strongly hope that this guys gets some points by the end of the season.....
Will update this as more races go by......