As soon as they came out in the shops, I was tempted to buy one. The only problems being that they were too expensive and too bulky. My current phone was no match to the e313.
I eventually bought one from Big W for only £44.99 with £15 credit. I thought, that this was great and everyone will have one soon, so I can video message my friends and family. I managed to convince my dad to buy one also so we could video call.
Trying to set them up is a big challenge as they have so many buttons and theyre all badly placed. When I managed to sort it out, however, I called my dad on video and sound mode and talked to him, but the video was all fuzzy and had a bad reception wherever we tested it. I saw virtually no video in my calls and nor did the call receiver. I did however get charged all of my video minutes whilst only using voice minutes.
The phone is too bulky to fit comfortably in my jeans, it refuses to work, and there is always a bad signal. What makes all of this even worse is that when I ring up 3 to topup my phone, the system always seems to be down and I cannot get through. Also I cannot understand what the woman on the voice machine is saying as she has a terrible accent.
I got so annoyed with this phone and gave up totally, I advertised my phone on eBay, second hand and got some of the money back, that I originally forked out.
Whatever you do, NEVER buy one!!!