Yes , because I have experienced the taste of this drink. I have tasted Horlicks and Boost . Just for a change , I thought of trying Nestle Milo .
I think I would have bought it about ten years back in Madras . I dont even remember the price . But I cannot forget the terrible taste!
I was not at all impressed with the taste of this drink . That was the first and last time I bought this tin of Nestle Milo . It had a funny bitter taste ! I wont recommend this drink to anyone !
Ofcourse, it may have nourishing ingredients added in it , but without a nice taste it is difficult to enjoy these kind of drinks . I am sure , people who have tried Nestle Milo like me would have felt the same .
You can go for Cadburys drinking chocolate , horlicks or Bournvita if you like to have a hot energetic drink .