Im not great with electronics, but I found this camera to be very user friendly. And the quality of the pictures have turned out great for me. I am loving it. Picture quality is great and taking photos is simple. I love it! Very powerful zoom, sharp focus, and easy to shoot. Its a little big and heavy, but this made it steadier for me to compose my shots, especially those with horizontal alignments. I use this for work and pleasure. Awesome zoom with crisp pictures. Love this camera. Very easy to use, It is a wonderful camera, for a beginner.It synced with my phone with the pictures. What a great bonus for me. I was always do both, my phone pictures and camera pictures. No need of that two timing anymore. I can now download my pictures to my phone or any Bluetooth devise, amazing. The bluetooth/wifi feature makes it easy to transfer photos to my phone. l Would definitely recommend this camera for someone wanting a better quality camera to start with before buying a DSLR.