This is THE place to go for everything FREE!! The place to go for free stuff.
The page opens really fast and is laid out great. You start out with lists of categories...
The best samples, includes all name brand samples you can get, just for the asking.
The okay samples, not as good as the best, but pretty good anyway.
Regular samples, this category includes, common, everyday free givaways.
The received samples, gives you lists of samples that the site host has already received.
Sweepstakes, is next. It tells you about just about every free, online sweepstakes you can think of.
E-mail related, gives you choices of any freebies you can get through E-mail.
Stuff you must earn is a little different. These are better than average freebies, that you have to answer some questions about before theyll send you the samples.
Online games, includes virtually all the free gaming sites where you can win prizes.
Freeware, gives you lists of sites offering free software for your computer.
Misc. free stuff, tells you about even more free stuff not included in the other categories.
The lists go on and on!
You can even get names of free web hosts for your website, free tutorial for a variety of subjects, free graphics, guestbooks, HTML, mailing lists, website promotion tricks, etc., etc.
It also gives you access to even more free stuff, with links to other sites!
Each category you open up, then gives you dozens and dozens of choices of items that you can actually get for no charge what-so-ever.
Ive already received 6 freebies from this site, and 2 from a linked site.
So, if theres anyone out there who likes Free stuff, (and who doesnt?), Id highly suggest a visit to this site.
So far, of all the things I wanted to send for, only about 10% have been sold out.
So, have fun and start ordering you FREE STUFF, from today! =)
PS...If you like this site also check out: and for more good stuff!!