The 3330 is the successor to the 3310. It’s very similar to the 3310, all that has changed is a couple of new, useful functions. The 3330 is becoming extremely popular just like the 3310 was when it first popped up on the market. My opinion on the 3330 is virtually the same as my opinion on the 3310 (The Vibrating Marvel), that’s how similar the phones are!
Nokia still produce the best phones on the market. The software they use in their handsets is the most easy to use and has many features, which just seem to keep coming and coming.
Nokia 3330 Features:
Phone book – An easy programmable feature to store your friends and family’s numbers on. There is an extra feature of being able to record voice tags on your numbers in order to just say a name and the phone will ring it.
Messages – The easy to use predictive text function makes writing an SMS even easier. There are different Set options if you use more than one message centre number. The 3330 has new picture messages and animated screensavers.
Chat – This is a feature which first showed up on the 3310. It allows you to chat to a friend via SMS on the one screen. You are able to choose your own chat name, so be original!
Call Register – Check whoever you have dialled, whoever you have received calls from and also whose calls you have missed. There is also a call duration meter for the last call you made or received and also the total calls duration meter.
Tones – You can never get bored of a ringtone with this phone considering there are over 30 ring tones to choose from. There are also spaces for you to compose your own or download them from the net.
Settings – These settings include the Security Settings to change your access codes and the Phone Settings.You are able to withhold your phone number from this menu.
Call Divert – Speaks for itself really. You are able to divert all calls, calls when your phone has no network coverage, calls when your phone is off etc.
Games – The original Snake game has been upgraded to Snake II on the 3330. There are three other games which are Space Impact, Bumper, and Pairs II. Space Impact is a shoot em up set in space. I’m not sure of how many levels there are in the game but I have failed to complete it after around 6 levels so there are a lot more. Bumper is a pinball game with two different tables to choose from. Pairs II is a game where you match similar faced cards to score points. Bantumi, is weird. Lol, it’s some sort of ‘put the beans in the pot and earn points’ kind of game.
Calculator – Hate maths? So do I…. So let a machine do it for you!
Reminders - Never forget an important meeting or occasion again... remind yourself by setting up this with a time and date.
Clock – This houses the clock and date settings. It also has an alarm clock with a pretty mean alarm!
Profiles - Personalise your phone with your preference of a ring tone and animated screen saver. You can program up to 5 profiles.
Services – A new feature! Although similar in name to feature 14, this houses one of the greatest creations on a mobile phone yet, WAP. WAP stands for Wireless Application Protocol and is basically the Internet on o mobile phone. It is very basic at the moment, as images are very restricted. The future WAP will be a lot better due to the increase in phone with better WAP capabilities.
My Services – This holds many useful numbers including RAC Breakdown, AA Breakdown, Traffic Line and many more. Depending on your network, you will have your networks Customer Care Lines etc. This is only available on BT Cellnet for the Pay as you Go phone.
Another very stylish phone with a vibrating function for those noisy places!
Overall a brilliant phone for anyones use yet again. Well done Nokia!
I picked up this phone for £129.99.