It is very unlikely that youll find this rating & review comparatively different to what others have written, may be they have used this handset for few days only..however i, I bought this handset when it was launched for a very heavy price of Rs.15500 only to find later that the device is not worth the money I paid for it.
To start with the problems started creeping in within a month only after buying the handset. The first issue that I had with this handset that suddenly while accessing the menu features the handset automatically switched off & then when I restarted it was not starting only & freeze on the Nokia screen only. When I went to the store from where I took the phone , he guided me to the Nokia Service Center at Brightpoint, Lower Parel only for the excuse that if they take the handset to the repair center then it will take 15 days to get the h/s back. So reluctantly I had to resort to his words & when I reached the service center they took it for repairs & ask to return back after 2 days.
When I returned back I was very happy to know that my h/s was exchanged to anther 5700 only to find later that the replacement phone is full of many other faults. To name a few, the main fault is that the other person cant hear me properly , lower speaker phone was not working, phone restarts automatically, call drops very frequently to name a few because of which I had to again book it for repairs for which they took 7 days to fix it only to find it after repair that they had not repaired the handset , it had the same faults & probably they had just re flashed the software.
To add to it when complaint to nokia service center they are saying again book it for repairs...& not providing any exchange.