Well its not often that u miss your friend much less a mobile.People who keep up with the latest fad change mobile faster than they change their underwear...oops..that was too much but never the less true.Here I am an old fashioned girl.I say so because it is probably very old fashioned to cling to a set for more than 2 yrs.
Nokia 6610i was a set too good indeed to b removed from the market.A set which combined the features of an FM radio, camera, cool ring tones , speaker...a rare find.
Well as rightly discovered the set has certain software problems and is not as hardy as the other nokia models.the fascia came off and did trouble me a little but my sweet friend as I would call it...was never far away from my heart. the cool pic display in the address book, and I could see my sweethearts face when ever he called has left some sweet memories even after the cell has twice visited the service center.
Bottomline...a good phone