This the one of the mobile which where Long lasting in Nokia
The surprising fact is the camera quality, around only 2 mega pixel where granded in Nokia Asha 200 But It feels like a 12 Mega Pixel Camera .
Next is the sound quality the speakers are Awesome which gives more sound than todays smartphones .
The problem is that this mobile dosnt have Whatsapp But it Can recover with a P C .
The loading and working of both sims where execelent,
The Coast For this mobile is quite good, since it have a built quality the price may balanced
My father is using this mobile since 2012, today is 27/1/2017 there is no problem in screen, battery, sound etc
till today we didnt give this mobile for repair to mobile shops
From mind I m saying that I would also like to use. Thanks to nokia that the battery backup is Very very good . I have a request that this wants to modify and replace to market with android, bigger screen etc . For all the people who willing to buying this mobile, without any doubt I will say JUST GRAB IT