I purchased this windows mobile to be be connected with the friends and relatives. I liked the responsiveness of this mobile in comparison to android karbonn titanium s5 mobile which is quad core and 1 gb but lags behind after 2 months of use.
I prefer windows mobile due to its inbuilt personal assistant who works like secretary and remembers many things even what to say when u are on a call with a particular person without the person hearing what u r reminded of telling him.
If u want to hear song just say it and the song starts. The windows pc user will find the nokia mobile so familiar one that does not require mention. outlook is more better that gmail I hope as I found.Windows users are less in mobile but for ofiicial use I think windows is better. Till recently windows was the ruler in market but samsung made android popular but I hate samsung as it is in most of peoples hand. nothing unique is in samsung or android phones.